Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Volunteers Needed!

First "To-Do" item as we plan the Make Something Party: we need volunteers to help out at the craft tables during the event. The crafts will already be planned out and the materials provided; you'll just need to give people some guidance. You can volunteer at either site (Gaia Arts Center, 12:30-2, College Ave. Presbyterian Church, 3:30-5) or at both if you're so inclined! If interested, please contact Jose Figueroa,

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Introducing the Make Something Party!

As part of Christ Church of Berkeley and Rockridge's participation in the Advent Conspiracy, Project Peace is delighted to announce our inagural Make Something Party.
Spend less, give more.
Instead of participating in the mass buying frenzy that precedes Christmas, we'll be providing stations where you can hand-make quality gifts for your loved ones. Give a small donation towards the cost of materials, and leave with gifts that are all the more special for the effort you've put into them. Here are some initial details:

The Make Something Parties will be held on Sunday, December 6, 2009.
12:30-2:00 PM at the Gaia Arts Center
3:30-5:00 PM at College Avenue Presbyterian Church

We'll be posting more details about the process and projects of the Make Something Party on this blog. Watch the video below for more information on the Advent Conspiracy.